Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm Back and Totally Alive !

Yes, I’m back! I’m not dead or lost. And these 6 months of absence is solid proof of my laziness. =)

Anyways, what have I been up these past 6 months? Well, let’s see. I passed my Advance Diploma (surprisingly!) with merit (ehem, *coughshowoffshowoffcough*); furthered my studies in UK for 3 months; travelled for 1 month to Europe, Ireland and Spain; passed my Degree with Second Upper Class *coughshowoffagaincough*; and attended my convocation last week.

While most of my friends (nearly 90% of them) are scratching their heads, finding jobs, sending resume, going for interviews, waiting to be hired, I’m currently happily avoiding working life, rotting at home while catching a flu. No! I’m not a useless piece of dung, you say! I’m waiting for the ACCA January intake. Some of my friends asked me why I’m avoiding work. Well, you can say that I’m not mature enough? I don’t like to get tied on to a 9 to 5 job; I don’t like the squeezing, the sardine fishes you need to become on the LRT or bus with the other 124,597,568 passengers. What if someone touched your butt? Or their elbow “accidentally” brushed through your front? Yuck! But, if it was some Daniel-Radcliffe-look-alike, I might just close one eye. But what are the odds a Daniel-look-alike will appear in front of me?

Okay, waaay out of topic.

So for the next few post I will talk about my exciting and unbelievable life in UK, which still feels like a dream to me. And also the places I’ve visited. I’ve forgotten most of the details anyway, but I’ll try to recall it with the pictures I have.

Okay. So I’m not dead and goodbye!

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